About Mulberry St.

The Mulberry St. Blog is a review and writing blog. I review mostly fiction/science fiction/fantasy sorts of books, with the exception of the occasional YA or nonfiction book. The blog is updated daily, excluding Mondays.

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Why Mulberry St?

Even as a kid, I absolutely loved to read. One of my favorite books was And To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street. by Dr. Seuss. The book is about a kid whose father always asks him what happens on his way home from school, and the kid never has anything interesting to report. So one day, he imagines up all sorts of strange things that happened on Mulberry Street. Its still among my favorite books today and I think it carries an important lesson. Imagination is important. It's the driving factor behind every child, but not only that, it's the driving factor behind every novel ever written. A good idea comes from a great imagination.

And To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street copyright Dr. Seuss and Random House Publishers. No copyright infringement is intended.
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