A week and a half ago I ordered four books online. The fourth wasn't due to come out 'til July 5th, so it was set to mail all four on the 5th. I couldn't wait that long, so I cancelled said fourth book. Today, I received the other two and let me tell you, I am stoked.
The books I received are: The Hunger Games, The Knife of Never Letting Go, and Napier's Bones.
Now, I tend to avoid reading the popular books. It never goes over well for me. Case in point: Twilight, The Mortal Instruments series, etc. Alright, so those are the only two that I can think of, but I think you get my point. What is "popular" these days never really seems to be my kind of book. There's only ever two reasons something is popular. One, it's really good. Two, it's written to be popular.
Unfortunately, the second case is way more common. Books that are really good are often not popular at all. Example? The Book Thief, Last Dragon, the Books of Pellinor, the Looking Glass Wars. They have a very loyal following but not much further. It's unfortunate, but that's just how it is. That's why when a book series becomes popular, I immediately become wary. Therefore, I have avoided The Hunger Games like it was a disease, even though every one of my very good friends whose opinions I trust told me to read it time and again. After working at a bookstore for two weeks watching customer after customer purchase the books belonging to the series, I gave in. It's never too late to jump on the bandwagon, right?
The Knife of Never Letting Go was purchased as a result of a free short story - The New World - that I downloaded on my nook app. I guess it did its job, because I just had to get the first book of the Chaos Walking series. First of all, the name is striking, and I did not intend that to be a pun. There is something about the name that draws me in. Second, the cover is striking. Again, no pun intended. Unfortunately, I did not receive the edition with said "striking" cover. Third, the premise is interesting. I'm not sure how I feel about reading a book about kids on the very young side of the YA range, but I love the concept and I seriously believe in the potential of the book. Let's hope it doesn't disappoint!
The third book I received is Napier's Bones, a book I randomly found while browsing Amazon one day. The premise is that Math is magic, and that was really all I needed to know to want - no, need - this book. As a math lover and future engineer, it's right up my alley. Still, I'm interested to see how the author presents it. Is it a book for only math lovers? Or is enjoyable by everybody? The latter is the option I'd really like to see this book take, but I guess we'll find out.
Are the any books that have you excited recently?
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